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The present research project is going to be described importance of digital tools and techniques for small business organisations. The main motive of every small business association is to obtain maximum competitive advantage through expand market area and functionality (Loebbecke and Picot, 2015). The research project is a brief study of importance of digitalisation by having specific objectives which are able to justify the overall problem. Along with this, literature review will be done in order to get opinions or viewpoints of different authors on area of study and determine appropriate solutions for the same. To conduct this research in an effective manner, there will be used qualitative research for getting appropriate or relevant data. In present scenario, small businesses are concerned to explore their working activities so as to create developing market occurrence. Sterling Telecom Ltd is one a small business organisations which offers voice and data services in local areas of UK. Other services may include, phone, Internet, television, and networking for businesses and homes. The pricing points for the different services vary widely and may be different for residences and businesses. The prime objective of Sterling Telecom Ltd., is to expand their business activities in different geographical areas through introducing new and innovative products at market place.
The given investigation report is depend on the impact of digital tools and technologies on developing firms productivity or performance. Every business firms is centred on picking out new and innovative tools and methods in respect to attaining high market position. Digital technologies are very much effective in enhancing firms performance through applying appropriate tools and methods at right place (TarutÃââ and Gatautis, 2014). Small as well as big organisations are classified among various departments in order to establishing perfect coordination of work so that desired goals and objectives can be achieved in effective manner (Banai and Tulimieri, 2013). Major outcome of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of new technologies through identifying various tools and techniques that are suitable for particular business firm.
Along with this, idea of digitalisation is to provide more and more benefits to workers in form of less work as new technologies allows people to work on computer. In this over dynamic environment, small businesses are tend to acquire innovative working procedures so as to do all tasks and activities in a systematic manner (Rayna and Striukova, 2014). Therefore, it can be said that technology is growing fast and becoming essential for all business organisations. In this manner, to be stay afloat at marketplace, small businesses have to become tech-savvy and hire staff that is well aware of the digital world.
The most common aim of every research is to create testable as well as measurable data by adding certain accumulation of human knowledge. So that research aims should be formulated in an appropriate manner as it is one of the most essential aspect of thesis. Thus, formulation of research aim is one of the imperative part of which involves in depth interviews (Lee and Olson, 2016). The aim of this research project is, âTo ascertain the impact of digital technologies which supports growth and innovation in small business organisationâ. A case study on Sterling Telecom Ltd.
Research objectives divides research aim into various parts and evaluate each part separately. They are needed to be based upon SMART objectives whereas abbreviation stands of specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Basically, research objectives are used to determine scope, depth and whole directions of research project (Bhimani and Willcocks, 2014).
Some problem solving objectives are described as under:
In the section, research questions are prepared by considering research objectives, it supports to ascertain all elements which are required to conduct or organise work in a systematic manner. Some essential questions are described as under:
While conducting any kind of research project there is occurred several issues which can affect by the entire area of concern. Although, such issues and obstacles are uncertain in nature and can be raised in any situation. Time and money is one of the major issued that is being faced by researcher while doing this research. As he did not get proper time to gather relevant data and information. But, researcher is emphasised to resolve these issues so as to prepare an effective research report.
In research project, Gantt chart is used to determine the time period which have been taken by each working activity or task. It supports to do all tasks on or before its given time schedule so as to get better outcomes. After completing working activities researcher is required to revised all of them properly and make necessary solutions in the same.
It is an essential part of entire investigation which will support to administrate in depth research by introducing opinions of various authors who have done systematic study on about the topic that is going to be studied. Literature review helps researcher to carrying out all working activities or processes in the best possible manner; it results better outcomes will achieved in a certain time period. This section of research allows to make appropriate discussion upon opinion of authors, writers or researchers (Brody and Pureswaran, 2015).
Also Read:Â Unit 1 Research Feasibility Plan Level 5 Regent College
According to F. Bustinza, C. Parry and Vendrell-Herrero, (2013) digital tools and technologies has a positive or negative hindrance on company's performance in terms of raising working efficiencies and capabilities. It plays a crucial role in boosting up organisational performance level and make it capable to easily acquire internal and external changes. These measurements and its associated software are proliferating over working practices; they collect data through continuous sensing. Along with this, adoption of new technologies are also used to predict and plan as well as to recommend, even to make necessary business decisions.
With the viewpoint of Gillespie and Goddard, (2017) this interplay of code and big data is raising pervasively while governing, leading and doing various working activities. In context of small businesses, Sterling Telecom is used new technology in order to diminish operation costs as such software enable a firm to automate back office functions, like â accounting, payroll, record keeping. For instance â mobile tech allows companies to interact in real time with customers and recognise their needs and wants. Telecom companies also use digital technology so as to build secure and safety environment in respect of maintaining sensitivity of businesses or information of target audiences. Many technologies or software are use friendly and allows business owners to make their services more effective. Furthermore, digital technology aids small business organisations to improve its communication processes by using e-mails, websites, mobile apps and texting. It enables firms to saturate in economic market by delivering their message.
On the other hand, digital technology provides an effective direction to employees of the organisation for expanding their capabilities or competencies; it results to perform all tasks and activities in the best possible manner (Xu and Quaddus, 2013). With the assistance of such technologies, i.e. social media, emails, internet and further websites where people can express their views or thoughts for improving organisational performance.
Innovation is the process through which an enterprise built wealth producing resources as well as endow existing resources in order to enhanced potential of the company. In respect of small business, business innovations supports to generate new and unique products for target audiences and increasing market share of the company. Due to high market competition, resources are getting more intense, ability of firms will be improved; it results accomplishment of corporate goals and objectives. Innovation also increases various developments, such as- internet of things that has a huge impact on job roles in terms of getting real time data collections that is sufficient to perform business in the best possible manner. With a spirit of innovation, even self confessed old fashioned business can innovative to survive for long term.
According to McDowell, Harris and Geho, (2016) qualities of innovative nature is really essential for businesses in today's world so as to learn how to be creative. It supports business skills make valuable things; this provides potential and growth opportunities to small businesses by building new markets and keep up them with current trends. Innovation gives organisational sustainability while doing continuous modifications, i.e. repackaging and re-branding. Thus, management should recognise the need to innovation and improve business skills for raising creativity. Basically, innovation is not about creating a new product or service but also focuses on existing businesses procedures to improve their efficiencies by identifying new target audiences, driven up profits and cut down wastage costs. When a firm is continuously involved in innovating of practices, it aids to attracts better workforce and keep existing staff for long run.
Advanced innovations assumes best part in picking up development and accomplishment at advertise zone. It has some positive and negative impact on authoritative efficiency. In today's world small business are emphasised on providing wide of products to their target audiences for attaining and sustaining them. Customers' centric organisations have adopted various measurements which are beneficial to improving functional area of the company. According to the statement of Weare, 2013, digital innovations are generally connected by little and additionally extensive business undertakings with a specific end goal to create high gainfulness and efficiency of firm, some significant adequacy of advanced advances are quickly assessed as under:
The main objective of every business association is expand their market share by earning higher sales and profitability. For this purpose, firms are tend to improve the quality of their products, it results sustaining high competitive edge in a certain time period. It is necessary for small business organisations to conduct a market research in order to determine needs and wants of target audiences and then produce products accordingly; it assists to gain higher customer satisfaction level from target market in a certain time period. Below described several recommendations which are given to small businesses: -
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This consist to be the most essential part of research project as it helps the researcher in carry out the whole research activities in systematic manner. This also refers as the combination of various applications which all are interlinked with each other and helps in accumulating appropriate outcome ad result of project (TarutÃââ and Gatautis, 2014). This section of research performs essential role in analysing data and information through selecting appropriate methodology which suits the most to the activities of Research. This section of research involves various applications which are are effective in providing a significant direction to the researcher to researching at final result and outcome.
This is the key element of research methodology as in this researcher plays crucial role in selecting the type of research on which the whole activity of research is carried out in appropriate manner. The research can be qualitative or quantitative in nature and it is essential for investigator to select the most suitable one for completion of research work. Th present research project is based on qualitative research method as in this data and information are gathered on the basis of qualitative means.
This is the most critical piece of investigation and this is ordered among three noteworthy sorts, for descriptive, exploratory and experimental research design. This can be considered as the blue print of enquiry through which all exercises can be execute in right way. In the present research project descriptive research design has to be taken into proper action as it helps in clarifying the all activities of research and implement them as per the requirements so that outcome can be attained in effective manner (Rayna and Striukova., 2014). Descriptive research design is effective for this research as it is appropriate for qualitative means of research. This design ineffective in providing a significant direction to the research to implement all research operations in effective manner.
This is also an another essential part of research project which helps in analysing the reverence of research activities which are implemented in a particular research project. This section of methodology is categorised among two major types such as deductive or inductive in nature. In the present research project inductive research approach has to be applied by researcher as it is effective for analysing the relevance of qualitative data or information.
This can be determined as the most effective part of research methodology in which researcher is having choice to select the most suitable philosophy as to providing proper information through analysing the opinion of authors and writers (Lee and Olson, 2016). This section of methodology has two major types such as interpritivism and positivism in which researcher have to select the one as per the requirement of research work. In the particular research project interpritivism philosophy has to be taken into appropriate action by research as the major reason for selecting interpritivism philosophy is that it is effective for accumulating data and information of qualitative research.
A research undertakes various elements and techniques in order to present the entire report in more factual way. Hence, this is required for a researcher to demonstrate public or population size in regard of managing report. The selected sample represents the entire population of undertaken research report from whom the data is being accumulated. This report outline 40 respondents in their research from whom the questionnaire is being filled for the accumulation and analysis of data in significant manner. This is required for researcher to opt one of both types of researcher whether non-probabilistic or probabilistic as per the appropriateness and suitability of research project. This project will utilise the non-probabilistic research method for more convenient and effectively presentation of the entire research population (Zhang, Ma. and Cartwright, 2013).
This can be defined as the procedure of data accumulation while conducting a proper research evaluation technique. There are various types and methods of data collection that can be termed as secondary and primary data. This research project will utilise both primary data for presentation of new facts and logics along with systematic outcome along with secondary data for presenting literature review in more effective and significant manner. Hence, this is essential to gather both sort of data in regard of making research project more authentic and more factual in more significant manner ( Cover, 2012).
This is one of the fundamental part of a project based on research. This focus over the imposing of moral values and duties of a researcher that should be undertaken by him which conducting a proper research project to make it more ethical. A research often face various menace and problems that is needed to addressees through the investigator as it consist of proper time management (Khan, 2016). The availability of proper resources is also one of the major concern that an investigator require to manage for properly accumulating data and accomplish the final research outcome. A researcher come up with proper risk assessment and management that can helps in managing people in nature. Those data that has been used and are confidential should not be shared with other individuals due to safeguarding the secrecy of respondents.
Q1. What is the impact of digital technology on Small businesses? |
Frequency |
Higher Profits |
25 |
Increase in Customer Base |
10 |
Efficient Service delivery |
5 |
Q2. Does use of digital technology has enhanced the business performance of the company? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
32 |
· No |
8 |
Q3. What are the benefits of Digital marketing to customers? |
Frequency |
· Conservative Prices |
20 |
· Better Service Delivery |
12 |
· Efficient Quality |
8 |
Q4. What are the effects of digital technology on Small business market? |
Frequency |
· Higher Growth |
30 |
· High level of competition |
4 |
· Competitive Prices |
6 |
Q5. Is it costly to implement digitisation within the processes of Business? |
 |  |
· Yes |
25 |
· No |
15 |
Q6.How Government has helped SME sector for achieving Growth? |
 |  |
· Subsidies |
25 |
· Low cost Lending |
15 |
Q7.What are the effects of Digitisation on the employees of company? |
Frequency |
· Enhancement of IT Knowledge |
18 |
· Easier completion of tasks |
14 |
· Saving of time |
8 |
Q8.Which element of the Stakeholders are benefited most from Digitisation in small businesses? |
Frequency |
· Shareholders |
30 |
· Customers |
3 |
· Employees |
5 |
Q9 Who are responsible for effectively implementing digital technology within business? |
Frequency |
· Customers |
10 |
· Employees |
8 |
· Management |
15 |
· Owners |
5 |
Q10) Provide recommendation for Sterling Telecom to improve their organisational performance through applying various digital technologies. |
 |  |
 Theme 1: There are various impact of digital technology on Small business.
Q1. What is the impact of digital technology on Small businesses? |
Frequency |
Higher Profits |
25 |
Increase in Customer Base |
10 |
Efficient Service delivery |
5 |
The above graph clearly depicts that when asked from respondents that how the digital technology has impacted Small businesses and what are its outcomes, around 25 people said that it leads to higher profits for the firm. 10 People has said that it ha increased the customer base of the organisations and 5 people only though that it has resulted in efficient service delivery to customer. Hence it can be said that majority of respondents believe that digitisation had very good benefits for the organisation who are small and medium. Thus it is quite clear from the above discussion that digital technology has a very considerable impact on small businesses. Because the size of those businesses are small and medium, it becomes an imperative task for these companies to implement digital technology platforms for their businesses.
Theme 2: The use of digital technology has enhanced the business performance of the company in many ways.
Q2. Does use of digital technology has enhanced the business performance of the company? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
32 |
· No |
8 |
As per the above graph, It can be concluded that most of the people were agreed that with the use of digital technology there were enhancement in the business performance of company. Sterling telecom has implemented digitisation process within company and this has boosted growth of the business along with high performance in the market place. When asked from respondents in this regard, around 32 respondents has replied in the favour of company and said that YES it has grown up business. However only 8 people said that it has not enhanced the overall performance.
Theme 3: There are various benefits of Digital marketing to customers.
Q3. What are the benefits of Digital marketing to customers? |
Frequency |
· Conservative Prices |
20 |
· Better Service Delivery |
12 |
· Efficient Quality |
8 |
Interpretation: When asked from customers regarding what are the benefits of digital marketing to customers, around 20 people said that it has lead to conservative prices for customers around 12 people said that it has resulted in efficient as well as better service delivery for them. But only 8 people were agreed that it has resulted in good quality of products as well as service delivery from the company. The above chart clearly depicts the various stuffs that the respondents had in their mind while replying to the question. Digitisation helps in enhancing the overall standard of living for people, it has also given the right kind of benefits to customers that they deserve, like efficient prices right kind of quality along with efficient service delivery. The respondents have categorically laid down the benefits that they have received from use of digital technology in the small business.
Our intention is to help numerous students worldwide through effective and accurate work.
Theme 4: The effects of digital technology on Small business market.
Q4. What are the effects of digital technology on Small business market? |
Frequency |
· Higher Growth |
30 |
· High level of competition |
4 |
· Competitive Prices |
6 |
When asked from respondents, what are the major impacts of digitisation on market, then most of the respondents has believed that it has resulted in higher growth of the market, however only 4 people said that it has resulted in higher level of competition within the market and 6 people said that it has generated competitive prices in the market and the direct beneficiary of the same was customers along with these small businesses who have been able to generate higher sales as well as profitability due to such growth.
Theme 5: cost structure of implementing digitisation within the processes of Business.
Q5. Is it costly to implement digitisation within the processes of Business? |
· Yes |
25 |
· No |
15 |
The digitisation process involves various expenditure. When asked from respondents in this regard, whether assignment help implementation of digitisation within the company is costly or not, around 25 people said that yes it is very costly to implement digitisation within the company. The processes of the businesses usually are very complex and are most of the time manually operated and if those manual operations are replaced by digitisation then it will be very costly for company. The above graphs has categorically laid down the opinions of respondents in this regard. The expenditure on the digitisation has to be approved by the top management and also by shareholders. This has made the implementation a cumbersome process as per the views of respondents and they also of a viewpoint that management must ensure higher level of growth and profitability in the business so that the cost of digitisation can be recovered easily.
Theme 6:
Q6.How Government has helped SME sector for achieving Growth? |
· Subsidies |
25 |
· Low cost Lending |
15 |
As per the above graph, it is quite obvious that when questions were asked from respondents that what are the various benefits that the government is giving to small and medium enterprises businesses for the purpose of implementing digital technology within the company around 25 out of 40 people said that government has given higher subsidies to SME sector on installing machinery etc. However only 15 people said that the government has given low cost lending to these companies. The respondents were also of the view that the role of government can not be denied in contributing to effective implementation of thedigitisation process within businesses and SME sector.
Theme 7:
Q7.What are the effects of Digitisation on the employees of company? |
Frequency |
· Enhancement of IT Knowledge |
18 |
· Easier completion of tasks |
14 |
· Saving of time |
8 |
The above graph clearly depicts that when asked from respondents that what are the benefits of digitisation on the growth of employees and worker of the organisation. Around 18 people said that it has lead to an enhancement of IT knowledge, 14 people said that it has given them experience to complete tasks with ease and perform well. However only 8 people has said that it has resulted in saving of time. Employees are a very crucial part of SME business.
Theme 8:
Q8.Which element of the Stakeholders are benefited most from Digitisation in small businesses? |
Frequency |
· Shareholders |
30 |
· Customers |
3 |
· Employees |
5 |
As laid down in the above graph, when asked from respondents which element of the stakeholder is most benefited from digitisation in the small business. Around 30 people said that shareholders are the one who has derived the most benefits because of the digitisation process that has taken place in the company. However 5 people were not agreed and said that customers were the main beneficiary and 5 said that employees are the one who is the biggest beneficiary of Digitisation in the business.
Theme 9:
Q9 Who are responsible for effectively implementing digital technology within business? |
Frequency |
· Customers |
10 |
· Employees |
8 |
· Management |
15 |
· Owners |
5 |
When a general question was asked from respondents that who are the main person which are responsible for implementing digitisation process within the company, most of the people said that management are the one who is responsible for implementing digital technology within the company. However 10 people said that customers are responsible to making sure that companies are implementing digitisation in the company and only 8 people said that employees shall make necessary efforts to implement digitisation within the economy and only 5 people were of the view that owners are the one who completely implement digitisation within the economy.
This can be affirm from the above mentioned research project and accumulated data study digitalisation support the growth of an organisation and their operation growth. This not only provide the company more benefits in financial terms through uplifting sales amount but also aid in various different operations and division of business enterprises helping in business objectives achievement. Though the digital technologies and methods keep modifying and varying each and every day, this is essential to update those practices in more fundamental manner. Nowadays, it has been noticed that digital marketing methods are more appropriate and suitable in the recent era despite of tradition marketing methods. This enable enterprise in managing practice, provide wide range of consumer and potential buyers through the assistance of organisation in best way.
Thus it is quite evident from the discussion and the research that has taken place above that the small business sector has shown considerable growth in business after implementation of digital technology within the organisation. It is thus recommended to small and medium scale organisations that they should implement latest technology within the workplace and various other processes of the company to make sure that the profitability and productivity of the organisation gets enhanced in an effective as well as efficient way. There are some other benefits of implementation of digitisation within organisation as well, these include higher level of efficiency, higher productivity and Enhancement in the quality of products which are being delivered to the customers in general. In order to achieve this position of higher digitisation in the company, there are various authorities which can help company in doing so. These include government, Employees, and the management of the company. The government is responsible for giving necessary support to these sectors for the purpose of implementation of digitisation process within the company in general. The government has given various subsidies and cost benefits to these sectors and this has resulted in an increases in the overall capital investment in SME sector. The role of management is also not small in implementing these strategies of digitisation within the company. They are the one who shall make sure that right kind of work is done and implemented along with the machineries and equipments that are required to be put in the workplace so that business can be enhanced and a competitive advantage can be gained over period of time. Employees are the one who will work with digitisation process hand to hand and they will work for proper implementation as well as development of the business in general.
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